External HPC Application Form

This form should be completed by individual users external to the University of Cambridge to apply for an account on the University's Research Computing Service systems when invited to do so. The Primary Contact(s) will be asked via email to confirm the application. Individuals applying for an external user account under a University of Cambridge principal investigator (PI) should enter the PI's name as the Primary Contact; in other cases, this will be a member of your own organisation who we have agreed can approve the application. Please note that members of the University who are about leave cannot use this form to extend their access to the service beyond their University registration.

Before entering personal data into this form, please review the Research Computing Services Privacy Policy. You will need to consent to this policy before submitting your data.

University members should apply for an account using the internal application form.

Account Information
Account Type
Organisation Information
User Information
If you were previously a member of the University of Cambridge, please provide your CRSid here. Alternatively, if you already have a user account on Cambridge Research Computing Services (e.g. via DiRAC, Tier2, IRIS etc) please provide the account id in this box. Otherwise, please leave blank.
User Declaration

I have read the rules and conditions relating to network use and the CUDN privacy policy as provided by University Information Services, I understand that use of Research Computing Service resources is subject to these rules and I agree to abide by these rules:

(Each of the above links will open in a new window)

I agree to the above rules and conditions

Please note that this application should be submitted by the user whose details are entered above. Any application submitted by another person will be automatically rejected.

Clicking the Submit button below will send a copy of this application to the email address entered for the user.